Change of use
from Slaughterhouse to Industrial Starter Units
Demolition of
Slaughterhouse buildings. Work
carried out on Aug 6th 2014 - 12 days work
(see page 1)
Application for
6 Dwellings (Application withdrawn)
Application for
10 Dwellings ( Application withdrawn)

Suffolk Free Press, February 8th
A planning application
for six houses on the site of a former slaughter house
in Bures St Mary has sparked concern over traffic.
The proposals for two two-bedroom
houses and four three-bedroom houses on Cuckoo Hill is
due to be decided by Babergh District Councils planning
committee on Wednesday.
The planning officer has recommended the committee grant
planning permission, despite objection from Bures St Mary
Parish Council and residents.
The parish council described the proposal as an
over development of an awkwardly positioned site.
It said the provision of only two parking spaces was inadequate
and would exacerbate the existing traffic issues on Cuckoo
After an assessment by highways engineers, however, the
planning officer has deemed the proposed on-site parking
and arrangements as acceptable.
The parish council also highlighted concerns about the
lack of educational provision Bures Primary School
is full after the recent housing development at
Pykes Marsh.
The application, which was submitted in August last year,
has been revised by the applicant after the initial proposal
for six houses in 2011 was rejected by the committee.
Read more at:
Application for 6 Dwellings
approved 15th February 2015, by Babergh District Council


Entrance Plan
At the entrance to the Development the gate is only 3.7m or 12ft wide

Babergh Planning Consent includes this
Hopefully, this will limit the number of vehicles being parked on Cuckoo
Hill and Friends Field
"To ensure that sufficient space
for the on-site parking of vehicles is provided
and maintained in order to ensure the provision of adequate on-site
space for the
parking and manoeuvring of vehicles where on-street parking and manoeuvring
be detrimental to highway safety to users of the highway, in accordance
with the
provisions of paragraph 32 of the NPPF (2012) and saved policy TP15
of the Babergh
Local Plan, Alteration no. 2 (2006)."
Highways Authority Statement
Para 4 P 1
Condition: The use shall not commence
until the areas within the site shown on Drawing number 3368/18/F
as submitted for the purposes of manoeuvring and parking of vehicles
has been provided
and thereafter that areas shall be retained and used for no other purposes.
Reason: To ensure that sufficient
space for the on site parking of vehicles is provided
and maintained in order to ensure the provision of adequate on-site
space for the parking and manoeuvring of
vehicles where on-street parking and manoeuvring would be detrimental
to highway safety to users of the highway.
updated 25/04/2018