Bures Parish Registers

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Bures Parish Registers

Post by Harriet »

I have these available on fiche (1700-1900) and am happy to do look ups if required. Please give me as much information as possible. I view these fiche at a local family history centre once a week so if it's not an instant reply please be patient!
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Re: Bures Parish Registers

Post by NikkiW »

Hi Harriett.
I'd be interested in knowing more about the following people in my paternal family tree.

William HUME (Born: 26/03/1810) in Bures St.Mary, Suffolk. He married Mary Ann BROWN (Born:1811 also in Bures) on 25/12/1830. I don't know where they married, most probably Bures?
They had eleven children:-
1. William (1831-1892)
2. James (1833-1910)
3. Jane (1833- ?)
4. John (1835- ?)
5. Ann (1839- ?)
6. Emma (1845-1851)
7. Mary Ann (1845- ?)
8. Golding (1848-1878)
9. George (1849-1929)
10. John (1851- ?)
11. Charlotte (1837-1922)

Any information on these people would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
Bob Marshall
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Re: Bures Parish Registers

Post by Bob Marshall »

Dear Harriett

My 2xg grandfather George DAVEY was born in Bures in 1811. On 10 Apr 1832 he married Mary PETTIT in Bures. He died in 1859 and is buried in St Mary's churchyard. The tombstone also records his son William Pettit DAVEY who died in 1864. For most, if not all, of their married life George and Mary lived at Sawyers Farm. Mary was still living there when the 1871 census was taken. As far as I know they had five children - Mary Jane (b1834), Fanny Eliza (1838), George E my great grandfather (1839), Ellen Jemima (1841) and William Pettit (1843).

My problem, which I hope might be resolved by the PRs, is that I have no idea who George's parents were. I know the name of Mary's father, William PETTIT, only because George is mentioned in his father-in-law's will, but no other details. I am sure too that both George and Mary must have had siblings.

I have found quite a few DAVEYs and PETTITs around Bures and Sudbury but am unable to establish any links to my 2xg grandparents.

Do so hope that you can help.

Many thanks, Bob Marshall

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