Serving the communities of Bures St Mary and Bures Hamlet

This collection of photographs were originally published on the Bures 2000 Calender.

The modern photographs were taken during 1999, as near as possible to the same location as the originals.

St Mary`s Church circa 1900
Bures High St, circa 1900
Bures Primary School circa 1900

Eight Bells Public House, Colchester Rd circa 1900
The Boat House, Colchester Rd circa 1912
Church Square 1886.
The cottages on the right demolished in May 1900 and replaced by churchyard wall.
Junction High St & Bridge St. circa 1910
White Horse PH, Cuckoo Hill. circa 1900
Three Horseshoes PH, Nayland Rd. circa 1920
Tannery and Roadbridge, circa 1900
Railway Station entrance, circa 1928
The Swan PH, circa 1920


Credits....Peter Richards, John Ineson and Steve Davies.